In Akron, Ohio, a tragic incident unfolded on Thanksgiving night, leaving a 15-year-old boy dead after an encounter with police. The Summit County medical examiner’s office identified the teenager as Jazmir Tucker, a resident of Maple Heights.
Here’s what happened: Two Akron police officers were sitting in their patrol car in the Sherbondy Hill neighborhood, working on an unrelated report, when they heard gunshots ring out nearby. It was just after 11 p.m. on Thursday. Acting quickly, they stepped out to investigate the source of the gunfire.
While looking into the situation, the officers came across Jazmir, who, according to police, was carrying a loaded firearm. In the tense moments that followed, one of the officers fired their weapon, hitting Jazmir. Officers provided first aid at the scene, and the teen was rushed to a local hospital. Sadly, doctors pronounced him dead shortly after.
The officer who fired the shot has been with the Akron police force for nearly five years. Both he and his partner are now on paid administrative leave, as is standard procedure in situations like this. The Fraternal Order of Police Akron Lodge No. 7 shared on social media that its members are cooperating with the investigation.
Akron’s Mayor, Shammas Malik, expressed his heartbreak over the loss of a young life, calling it a tragedy. “Every loss of life is a tragedy, and to lose a young life is heartbreaking,” he wrote in a post Friday night. The mayor extended condolences to Jazmir’s loved ones and acknowledged the emotional toll on the officers and their families.
Malik assured the community that the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is looking into the incident to uncover all the details. He urged everyone to hold off on making judgments until more information is available, acknowledging how hard that can be in such a painful situation.
To ensure transparency, Malik promised that body camera footage from the incident would be released within the coming week. Meanwhile, the state attorney general’s office will review the investigation’s findings and submit them to a Summit County grand jury to decide on the next steps. The Akron Police Department will also conduct its own internal review and share the results with the police chief and the city’s police auditor.
This Thanksgiving night incident has left many in the Akron community grieving and searching for answers, highlighting the importance of thorough and transparent investigations in building trust and understanding.
I don’t think the REAL FOOTAGE will be released as usual.