In a heartbreaking tragedy early Wednesday morning in Piedmont, California, three teenagers lost their lives, and another person was seriously injured when a Tesla Cybertruck crashed and burst into flames. The crash happened just after 3 a.m., and the police were first alerted by an iPhone collision alert that pinpointed the location of the accident.
Shortly after the alert, a 911 call came in, reporting the fiery crash. According to Piedmont Police Chief Jeremy Bowers, officers rushed to the scene and found the vehicle engulfed in flames. Tragically, there wasn’t much they could do to put out the fire with their extinguishers—it was just too intense. The Piedmont Fire Department eventually arrived and managed to extinguish the flames.
One person was pulled from the burning Cybertruck by a passing driver before the fire spread further. That individual, who hasn’t been identified yet, is currently in stable condition, according to city officials.
The three teens who tragically lost their lives were identified as Soren Dixon, Jack Nelson, and Krysta Tsukahara. All were college students, with Tsukahara studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Their families are devastated and have shared heartfelt statements about their loved ones, asking for privacy as they grieve.
Dixon’s family described him as a hardworking, ambitious student and a team player who was always ready to take on challenges. Nelson’s family said his memory would forever live on with everyone who knew him, while Tsukahara’s family remembered her as someone with a kind heart and an incredible sense of style.
Police believe the group may have attended a gathering together before the crash. While speed played a role in the accident, authorities are still investigating to determine what else contributed to the tragedy. As of now, there’s no indication that any mechanical issue with the Tesla Cybertruck was involved.
The Piedmont Police Department and the California Highway Patrol are leading the investigation, urging the public and media to respect the families’ privacy during this difficult time.