A heartbreaking incident has shaken the community in Compton, California, as a father has been arrested for the tragic shooting of his nine-year-old son, Princeton, at their home. Nicholas Jones, 32, was taken into custody on Sunday and now faces charges of murder and child abuse resulting in death.
The tragedy unfolded on the evening of November 30, when officers responded to a call about a gunshot victim at a home on South Haskins Avenue around 7:30 p.m. When they arrived, they found young Princeton in the backyard with a gunshot wound. Despite efforts, the little boy was pronounced dead at the scene.
Authorities have since arrested Jones, who was booked on December 1 at the East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station. He is currently being held on a $2 million bail, and his next court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday. The investigation is still ongoing as officials work to uncover what led to this devastating act.
Princeton’s family has been left shattered by his loss. In an emotional statement shared on a GoFundMe page created to help with expenses, they described him as a bright and joyful child who was deeply loved by everyone around him. Diagnosed with mild autism at just two years old, Princeton was known for his brilliant mind, warm heart, and infectious smile.
“Princeton brought light into every room he walked into,” the family wrote. “He was adored by his friends, family, and community. This senseless act has left us devastated as we search for answers.”
The GoFundMe campaign, which aims to honor Princeton’s memory and assist with family expenses, has already raised nearly $38,000 in just two days. The family plans to use the funds to ensure that Princeton’s legacy reflects the love and joy he brought to the world.
Princeton’s mother, Creole Green, shared her pain and heartbreak with the media. She explained that the shooting happened outside her son’s grandfather’s house, a place that should have been safe. Speaking through tears, she expressed her sorrow over the dreams she had for her son’s future.
“My goal was to teach him everything he needed to navigate this world independently one day,” she said. “I’m devastated that his life was cut short at just nine years old.”
As the investigation continues, the community is rallying around Princeton’s family, offering support and prayers during this unimaginable time.