A tragic incident unfolded in Windermere this week, where a local doctor is now facing a second-degree murder charge for allegedly killing his wife.
Police were called to the home early Monday morning, around 1:30 a.m., and found Linda Wentzell dead. The scene raised enough concerns that officers began a detailed investigation right away.
Linda’s husband, Thomas Wentzell, was home when police arrived. At first, his statements didn’t quite add up, but he wasn’t arrested immediately.
Things took a turn on Thursday when Ocoee police got a 911 call about Thomas threatening to take his own life. During that call, he admitted to killing his wife, saying he “deserved to die.”
Thomas was taken into custody without any trouble and later confessed to officers at the Windermere Police Department. Investigators also uncovered more evidence, like a voicemail he left for a loved one confessing to the crime and a suicide note found at the couple’s home.
Neighbors in the quiet Windermere community were shocked. “I couldn’t believe it,” said Betty, a nearby resident. “If someone can be violent in their own home, who knows what else they’re capable of. It’s terrifying.”
Thomas’s medical practice in Ocoee has since been shut down, and Orlando Health is working to reschedule his patients.
As of Thursday night, Thomas Wentzell remains in the Orange County Jail without bond.