A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Meridian, California, where a woman was arrested after her 11-year-old son and three dogs were found dead at an RV park. The woman, 44-year-old Meagan Dixon, is now facing serious charges, including murder, child abuse, and animal cruelty.
The tragedy came to light on the morning of January 5 when neighbors at Lovey’s Landing RV Park, located about 55 miles north of Sacramento, called authorities. They reported that Dixon was acting erratically and causing a disturbance in the area. When deputies arrived, they made a grim discovery—the boy’s lifeless body in the family’s RV, along with the bodies of three dogs. One dog was in the RV with the boy, while the other two were found in Dixon’s car.
Investigators believe the boy may have been dead for several days. During a press conference on January 6, Sutter County Sheriff Brandon Barnes shared details about the case, saying evidence pointed to the boy being smothered, allegedly by Dixon. Witnesses told authorities that Dixon appeared to be in a “drug-induced or manic episode” at the time of the incident. The situation escalated when she got into a heated argument with a neighbor, prompting the call to police.
Sheriff Barnes also mentioned that the boy’s stepfather lived with the family but was not considered a suspect. The boy’s biological father has reportedly been out of the picture and is not involved in the investigation. Authorities confirmed that Child Protective Services had no prior involvement with Dixon or her son.
The community is shaken by this tragedy. Neighbors who spoke with media outlets described the boy as a kind and loving child. He was known to have high-functioning autism and often played with other kids in the RV park. One neighbor, who chose to remain anonymous, shared that the boy had not been seen outside for several days, adding, “He was the sweetest little boy—just absolutely loving.”
Dixon made her first court appearance on January 7, where she faced charges of murder, child abuse resulting in great bodily harm, and animal cruelty. Prosecutors have also added a drug-related enhancement to the charges. Her bond has been set at $1 million, and her next court hearing is scheduled for January 27.
To uncover more details, an autopsy is planned for the boy, and veterinarians will conduct necropsies on the three dogs. This devastating case has left the quiet community of Meridian reeling as authorities continue their investigation.