The United States, built on the foundation of law and order, now faces a growing threat from illegal alien criminal gangs infiltrating its communities. Transnational criminal organizations like the Tren de Aragua, originally from Venezuela, have become prominent, exploiting weak border controls and sanctuary policies. These gangs are responsible for widespread human trafficking, drug smuggling, and violent crimes.
In Colorado, the Tren de Aragua gang has been implicated in various criminal activities, including jewelry store heists and shootings. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has already identified over 60 gang members between 2023 and the summer of 2024, with many others likely entering undetected due to the Biden administration’s ineffective border strategies.
Sanctuary policies protect these criminals, preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from working effectively with local law enforcement. These policies often shield arrested foreign-born criminals, making it easier for gangs to establish safe havens in cities across the U.S. This has led to a surge in crime, particularly in migrant communities.
The failure of these policies is evident in cases like the tragic incident in Broomfield, Colorado, where an illegal alien previously deported for multiple DUIs was released and later reoffended, leading to the deaths of an innocent mother and son. Sanctuary policies do not safeguard American citizens but instead create safe environments for criminal gangs.
It’s time to secure the borders, enforce immigration laws, and prioritize the safety of communities. Decisive action is needed now to protect the nation from becoming a haven for dangerous criminal organizations.