A young woman’s life took a devastating turn earlier this month in North Carolina when she was brutally attacked while walking along a highway near her mother’s home in Sanford. Ashanti Downey, who is just days away from her 21st birthday on January 1, is now in critical condition after a man allegedly poured gasoline on her and set her on fire, leaving her with third-degree burns covering 70% of her body.
Her mother, Donecia Davis, shared her heartbreak in a fundraiser description, calling the attack a nightmare no parent should ever have to experience. “My daughter will be celebrating her 21st birthday in the hospital because of the hatred of an individual or individuals,” Davis wrote. “Her life has been forever changed.”
The horrifying incident happened on December 16 as Ashanti was walking to a nearby Dollar General along Highway 27. According to Davis, Ashanti was attacked from behind by 23-year-old Jami Griffin, who is now facing charges of attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, and assault on a female. Griffin is currently being held at the Harnett County Detention Center.
Harnett County Sheriff Wayne Coats described the attack as one of the most horrific crimes his team has ever investigated. “It’s a nightmare for this family,” he said in an interview. Authorities are still piecing together the details of what happened. Investigators believe Griffin may have known Ashanti, and they are looking into whether the assault stemmed from a domestic dispute or possibly had ties to gang activity. However, the motive remains unclear.
Davis, who has kept Ashanti’s hospital location private for safety reasons, said the family is desperate for answers. “How could they do this to my baby?” she said during a phone interview. “You didn’t have to do this to her.”
As the investigation continues, Griffin is set to appear in court on December 30. For now, Ashanti’s family is focused on supporting her through what will undoubtedly be a long and painful recovery. Despite the circumstances, her mother is determined to celebrate her daughter’s upcoming birthday, even if it’s by her hospital bedside.