A tragic shooting at a bonfire in Theodore, Alabama, turned a Friday night gathering into a heartbreaking event. One man lost his life, and six teenagers were injured in the chaos, according to police.
The bonfire was held at a property in an industrial area of Theodore, just south of Mobile city limits. Records show the address belongs to a business that operates as a body shop and trucking company.
Witnesses described a scene that quickly spiraled out of control. About 100 people were at the party when, according to reports, some individuals began driving away in their cars while firing guns.
Police have not yet released the name of the man who was killed. As for the injured, two of the teenagers were rushed to the hospital in ambulances, while four others managed to get to hospitals on their own. The extent of their injuries isn’t clear yet.
Authorities are still piecing together what exactly happened that night. As of now, no further details have been provided, and the investigation is ongoing.
Efforts to contact the business where the party took place have so far been unsuccessful.