In Akron, Ohio, a heartbreaking incident at a group home has left the community in shock. A man named Jarel Wooden, 34, has been charged with murder and felonious assault following a fatal stabbing on November 16.
The incident happened at a group home located in the 1700 block of Shaw Avenue. It all began with a 911 call around 9:22 p.m., where the caller—a caretaker at the home—reported being pushed by one of the clients.
When Akron police officers arrived, they found Wooden standing at the door with injuries on his hands. As they stepped inside, they made a tragic discovery. The caretaker, 56-year-old Dianne Bell from Akron, was found unresponsive with a stab wound. Despite efforts, she was pronounced dead at the scene.
The group home, meant to provide support and shelter, became the backdrop of this terrible event. Wooden is now being held in the Summit County Jail as the case unfolds.
This tragedy has shaken the neighborhood, leaving many residents heartbroken over the loss of a woman who dedicated herself to helping others. Authorities continue to investigate what led to this devastating incident.