On Christmas Day, a tragic and shocking incident unfolded in Largo, Florida, when a 78-year-old man, Jonathan McPhee, was accused of trying to kill his wife in what police say was a failed murder-suicide attempt.
According to the police, McPhee attacked his wife while she was asleep, using a sledgehammer to hit her in the head inside their home. After the attack, McPhee called 911 and reportedly confessed, saying, “I clubbed her, and I’m going to try to stab myself in the heart.”
When officers arrived at the house, they found McPhee outside with a knife wound he had inflicted on himself. Inside, his wife was found unconscious. Both were rushed to Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital in critical condition. Despite the severity of their injuries, both survived.
The authorities later revealed that McPhee had sent a heartbreaking text message to his wife’s daughter before the police arrived. In the message, he claimed he had “killed” his wife and intended to end his own life due to struggles with financial and health problems. He even gave instructions about funeral plans and life insurance, painting a grim picture of his state of mind.
The attack left McPhee’s wife with severe injuries, including a significant brain bleed. Meanwhile, McPhee reportedly told medical staff at the hospital to “just let me die” because he believed he had killed his wife.
Neighbors described McPhee as deeply troubled. One neighbor told the media that McPhee appeared to be “very depressed” and might have experienced an intense emotional or mental breakdown that led to his actions.
This tragic incident has left the community in shock, highlighting the devastating impact of untreated mental health issues and personal struggles.