A heartbreaking story has unfolded in Lakeland, Florida, where a man has been charged with the death of his own 5-year-old daughter in a tragic car accident. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office revealed that 30-year-old Kody Wills was arrested on Dec. 31, accused of driving under the influence at the time of the crash.
The devastating accident happened on Nov. 7, 2024, on Broadway Street near Lake Parker Drive, around 6:30 in the evening. According to authorities, Wills ran a stop sign and crashed his car into a tree. The vehicle caught fire with his two young children—his 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son—trapped inside.
A local man, Anthony Slater, rushed to the scene after hearing Wills’ desperate cries for help. Slater managed to rescue the little boy, but tragically, the young girl couldn’t be saved. Speaking about the incident, Slater expressed his frustration and anger. “I had to watch someone burn to death because of him and his mistakes,” he said. “He could have helped me. He’s a grown man and knew better than to drink and drive with his kids in the car.”
The crash left Wills’ son with serious burns on his face, injuries that will leave permanent scars. Wills himself suffered a broken ankle and fractured ribs.
Deputy Justin Register spoke to Wills later that evening at Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center. The deputy reported smelling alcohol on Wills’ breath and noticing his watery eyes. When asked about drinking, Wills admitted he had a shot of Maker’s alcohol earlier that afternoon. However, toxicology reports from the University of Florida Pathology Laboratories told a different story—Wills’ blood-alcohol level was .25, more than three times the legal limit.
The children’s mother, Logan Deines, is heartbroken. “It’s a tragedy I have to live with for the rest of my life,” she shared. “I don’t deserve this. Nobody does.” She also feels the charges against Wills aren’t enough to match the loss she’s suffered. “Nothing will bring this beautiful child back or heal my son’s injuries.”
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd expressed his condolences, saying, “This has been a horrific seven weeks for the family. We’ve worked hard to ensure Kody Wills is charged appropriately for every felony he committed. We’re hopeful that justice will be served. Please keep this family in your prayers.”
Wills is facing multiple charges and is set to appear in court on Jan. 1, 2025. This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of driving under the influence, especially when innocent lives are involved.