A heartbreaking story has emerged from Polk County, Florida, where a 31-year-old father is facing serious charges after a tragic car crash that took the life of his 5-year-old daughter and left his 3-year-old son with severe injuries. Authorities say the father, Kody Wills, was driving under the influence at the time of the accident.
The incident happened on Thursday evening, November 7, 2024. According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Wills was driving on Broadway Street near Lake Parker Drive when he ran a stop sign, lost control of his vehicle, and crashed into a tree. The impact caused the car to catch fire. Tragically, Wills’ 5-year-old daughter didn’t survive, and his 3-year-old son suffered burns on his face that doctors say will leave permanent scars.
Investigators found no signs that Wills tried to brake before hitting the tree. A probable cause affidavit revealed that a toxicology test showed his blood alcohol level was 0.25—more than three times the legal limit in Florida.
At around 8:30 p.m. that same evening, deputies visited Wills at the Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center, where he was being treated for a broken ankle, fractured hip, and broken ribs. The deputy noted that Wills smelled of alcohol and his eyes appeared watery. When questioned, Wills admitted he had been driving with his two young children in the car. He explained that he had just picked them up from their grandfather’s house and was on his way home when he missed a turn.
Wills also admitted to having a shot of Maker’s Mark whiskey earlier in the afternoon, around 1 p.m. Despite this, a legal blood draw confirmed he was significantly over the limit at the time of the crash. Medical staff even listed alcohol intoxication as part of his condition when he arrived at the hospital.
Sheriff Grady Judd expressed the pain and frustration felt by the community. “Nothing will bring this beautiful child back to her family, nor heal the injuries to her brother or the emotional devastation that Kody Wills has caused to so many people,” he said in a statement. Sheriff Judd also praised the investigators for their thorough work over the past seven weeks, ensuring Wills was charged appropriately.
Wills has been charged with DUI manslaughter, DUI causing serious bodily injury, and two counts of negligent child abuse. He is currently being held at the Polk County Jail and is set to appear in court on January 1, 2025.
This devastating incident is a painful reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving. As the community mourns the loss of a young life, Sheriff Judd has asked everyone to keep the family in their thoughts and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.