Two vehicles fell through the ice on Cedar Lake Sunday afternoon, but thankfully, everyone inside made it out safely. According to Cedar Lake police, both vehicles remain stuck in the icy waters and won’t be pulled out until Monday.
The first vehicle to go under was a Polaris UTV, which sank in deep water, leaving only its roof visible above the surface. The incidents happened near Potawatomi Park and Meyer Manor, well away from the Cedar Lake ice races that were being held the same day.
While the ice races draw plenty of racers and spectators, the accidents happened outside the designated safe area marked by race officials. Police believe the vehicles were either too heavy or ventured beyond the safe zone. Officials in charge of the races take safety precautions seriously, but they have no control over what happens outside their monitored areas.
Deputy Chief Carl Brittingham issued a reminder about the risks of driving on frozen lakes, especially in spots that aren’t fully solid. He explained that the area where the accidents occurred still had open water and wasn’t frozen enough to support heavy vehicles.
One of the UTV operators fled the scene and hasn’t been identified yet. Police are asking for help from anyone who might know who they are. If you have information, you can reach the Cedar Lake Police Department at 219-374-5416.
This incident serves as a reminder of how unpredictable ice can be and the dangers of venturing out in heavy vehicles. Stay safe and always double-check before heading out onto frozen lakes.