A tragic accident in Wichita, Kansas, claimed the lives of 24-year-old Nathaniel Boyd and 26-year-old Whitney Allmond, leaving their families devastated. The couple had been together for about a year, with Boyd playing a fatherly role to Allmond’s two young children. On Sunday morning, around 12:30 a.m., Boyd was driving Allmond home after picking her up from work. Due to severe winter weather, their car lost control on southbound Interstate 235 and rolled down an embankment. Neither Boyd nor Allmond was wearing a seatbelt, and both were ejected from the vehicle during the crash.
The accident went unnoticed for nearly 18 hours, until 6:20 p.m. when a passerby called 911 after spotting the wreck. By the time troopers arrived, it was too late. Both Boyd and Allmond had died from their injuries.
Allmond, a dedicated mother, worked two jobs to support her two young children, ages 2 and 4. Her family described her as a hardworking woman who always put her children first. Tragically, she would have turned 27 on the day of her passing. Boyd’s family, in their grief, remembered him as an extraordinary person who cared deeply for those he loved, especially Allmond’s children, whom he treated like his own.
This unexpected loss has been made even more difficult by the fact that Boyd did not have life insurance, adding financial strain to an already heartbreaking situation. In an effort to cover funeral expenses, both families have set up GoFundMe pages. The funds will go towards honoring the lives of Boyd and Allmond, who are mourned by their families, friends, and the community.