A tragic incident in Rosedale, Maryland, has left a community heartbroken after a man allegedly killed his 4-year-old son on Christmas Eve during a violent argument with the child’s mother. Authorities say Mark Jones, 30, is accused of shooting his son, Jacobi Jones, in the head, along with injuring his 1-year-old daughter and their mother, Promyss Marcelle.
The heartbreaking events unfolded early on Christmas Eve at the family’s home on Breslin Court. According to Marcelle, the argument started in her bedroom when Jacobi innocently asked his father to leave the room. This reportedly led Jones to retrieve a handgun and open fire. Officers responding to the scene around 6:35 a.m. found Marcelle and her two children suffering from gunshot wounds. Jacobi tragically passed away at the hospital, while Marcelle and her baby girl survived their injuries.
Marcelle later shared her grief on a fundraising page, expressing the unimaginable pain of losing her son. “The agony and pain I feel is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy,” she wrote. “My son was so excited to open his Christmas gifts. He never got the chance to.”
The young boy’s death has drawn attention to the underlying issue of domestic violence in Marcelle’s relationship with Jones. She revealed to local media that she had faced ongoing abuse but found it difficult to leave. “Even if you want to make a family work, it’s not worth it if you’re being hurt,” she said. “Take my story as a lesson. I was forced to leave, but now I don’t have my son.”
Court records reveal a troubling history of violence involving Jones. Earlier in 2023, he was charged with assault using a firearm but received probation after pleading guilty to a lesser charge. In another instance, a temporary restraining order for domestic violence was filed against him but was dismissed shortly after.
Mark Jones now faces serious charges, including first-degree murder, two counts of attempted first-degree murder, child abuse, and assault. He is currently being held without bond.
This devastating incident has left a community mourning and serves as a painful reminder of the dangers of domestic violence. As Marcelle continues to recover, she holds onto the memory of her son, whose joy and excitement for Christmas will never be forgotten.