A heartbreaking loss has rocked the Long Island community after 17-year-old Connor Kasin, a high school senior from Massapequa, New York, passed away during a hockey game on Saturday night. Connor, a talented player and beloved member of his school and hockey communities, lost consciousness during the game and could not be revived.
The tragedy occurred at the Town of Oyster Bay Skating Center in Bethpage. First responders and bystanders worked tirelessly to save him, administering CPR before medics arrived. He was rushed to a hospital, where he was sadly pronounced dead. While police have stated that no foul play is suspected, an investigation is ongoing.
Connor’s hockey team, Sharks Elite Youth Hockey, shared the devastating news in a heartfelt post on social media, describing him as an 18U defenseman who was loved by all. “Our hearts are heavy,” they wrote, asking the community to keep Connor’s family in their prayers.
His high school, Massapequa High, also expressed its sorrow. In a message to students and families, school officials remembered Connor for his kindness, positive energy, and ability to light up any room with his smile. “His absence will be deeply felt,” the statement read, adding that the school would honor his memory while supporting those who are grieving.
Connor’s coaches shared similar sentiments, calling him one of the most dedicated and hardworking players they’d ever coached. “Our bench will feel empty without Connor,” they said, emphasizing his impact both on and off the ice.
The game Connor was playing in was part of a charity event honoring Sabrina Navaretta, a Syosset High School graduate who passed away in a car accident last year. Her parents, who were deeply moved by the loss of Connor, offered their condolences, saying, “Our hearts break for Connor’s family and everyone who knew him.”
Connor’s obituary paints a picture of a young man whose passion for hockey started almost as soon as he could walk. A proud member of the Massapequa Chiefs, he was known for his determination and sportsmanship on the ice. Off the rink, he was described as a kind, caring soul with a smile that could brighten any room.
Beyond hockey, Connor cherished time with his family, whether traveling for games or relaxing on their annual trips to Mexico. He was also a lifelong New York Islanders fan, and the team paid tribute to him with a message of support for his family, calling him a beloved part of the Long Island hockey community.
This loss has left an undeniable void in the hearts of those who knew Connor. While his time was far too short, his impact will be felt for years to come by his family, friends, and teammates.