A tragic incident unfolded in Columbus on Monday night, resulting in the death of a young man and the arrest of a store employee. The incident happened at Kick N Chicken, a liquor store located at 5120 Warm Springs Road.
Authorities say the trouble began with a heated argument between 24-year-old James Applewhite, an employee at the store, and 28-year-old Quandarius Reynolds. What started as a verbal disagreement quickly escalated into a physical fight. During the altercation, police allege that Applewhite grabbed a knife and stabbed Reynolds.
After the incident, Reynolds managed to leave the liquor store and was found nearby, suffering from a stab wound. Emergency responders rushed him to Piedmont Columbus Regional Hospital, but sadly, he didn’t survive his injuries.
Applewhite now faces several serious charges, including murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday, January 22, at 8 a.m. in Recorder’s Court.
Investigators are still piecing together what happened that night and are asking anyone who was in or near the store and witnessed the argument to come forward. If you have information that could help, you’re encouraged to contact Columbus police at 706-225-4105 or call 911.
This tragic event has left the community shaken, as authorities work to uncover the full story behind the confrontation.