A terrifying situation unfolded in Miami-Dade when a six-year-old boy was almost kidnapped, but his quick-thinking older brother saved the day. Police say the suspect, a 56-year-old man named Reynaldo Martinez Reyes, is now behind bars, facing serious charges.
It all started on a quiet Saturday afternoon in the 1300 block of Northwest 79 Street. The young boy and his brother were outside their home, happily playing soccer. At one point, the older brother went inside to use the bathroom. That’s when, according to police, Martinez Reyes saw his chance. He approached the little boy and offered to play soccer, gaining his trust.
After chatting with the boy, Martinez allegedly promised to buy him a toy and lured him away from his home. When the older brother returned and saw his sibling was missing, he immediately knew something was wrong. Acting fast, he alerted an adult family friend, and the two began searching for the child.
Their search ended more than a mile away from the house. They found the young boy walking hand-in-hand with Martinez. The older brother didn’t hesitate. He ran up to confront the man, who tried to lie, claiming the boy was his son. Refusing to back down, the brother physically confronted Martinez and managed to rescue his little brother.
Once the boy was safe, the family called the police. Martinez was arrested on the spot and now faces a kidnapping charge as the investigation continues.
Miami-Dade police are asking anyone with information about this incident to contact Crime Stoppers at 305-471-8477.