A tragic and shocking incident unfolded in Las Vegas, leaving the community heartbroken. A 24-year-old woman, Gissell Selene Perez, was allegedly shot and killed by her boyfriend, Julio Machado Vasquez, in what police describe as a troubled, “on-again, off-again” relationship that began in high school. According to authorities, the two were driving together when the shooting occurred.
The details of what happened next are deeply unsettling. Police say Machado Vasquez drove around with Gissell’s body in his car for nearly two hours before calling a female acquaintance, asking for help to “get rid of her body” in the desert. According to the police report, he told her, “They will see me on camera,” and explained he was afraid of taking Gissell to the hospital.
The acquaintance immediately called 911 to report the incident. She told police Machado Vasquez claimed the shooting was an accident. He allegedly said that Gissell had grabbed the gun he was carrying in his blue Ford Mustang while they were arguing. He claimed he took the gun back, pointed it at himself, and said, “If you’re going to do it, do it right.” Machado Vasquez alleged the weapon went off accidentally, hitting Gissell in the back of the head.
Officers from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department were alerted by the 911 caller and began searching for Machado Vasquez. They found him driving near Sandhill Road and Stewart Avenue. When police attempted to pull him over, he fled and ended up crashing into another car at the intersection of East Charleston Boulevard and North Pecos Road. He sustained injuries and was taken to a hospital.
When officers approached the scene, they discovered Gissell’s lifeless body in the car. Medical personnel confirmed she had died from a gunshot wound.
The acquaintance who called 911 described Machado Vasquez as panicked and said he repeatedly claimed it was an accident. However, she and others close to Gissell described their relationship as toxic. Gissell’s close friend, Diana Barrios, revealed that Gissell had been terrified of her boyfriend. She recalled times when Machado Vasquez would park outside Gissell’s house for hours, watching her through cameras she had installed. Barrios also shared that Gissell had once asked her to pick her up because she was too scared to be alone, knowing Machado Vasquez had a gun.
“She was really scared,” Barrios said. “She told me things were bad between them.”
Gissell’s family and friends have been devastated by her death. Barrios said the two had plans to go out for sushi and a hike the day before the tragedy. “We had so much fun together,” Barrios said. “It’s just so, so sad.”
Machado Vasquez is now being held at the Clark County Detention Center without bail. He faces a charge of open murder with a deadly weapon. Although he was scheduled to appear in court, he missed the hearing due to medical reasons.
A GoFundMe campaign has been started to help Gissell’s family cope with the loss and cover expenses during this difficult time. The community continues to mourn the loss of a young woman whose life was cut short in such a heartbreaking manner.