In McAlester, Oklahoma, a man named Cody McFadden, aged 36, has admitted to a serious crime involving a disturbing assault on his ex-girlfriend. Federal prosecutors announced that McFadden pled guilty to a federal charge of maiming in Indian Country.
The story traces back to July 2022, when McFadden faced numerous accusations in state court. According to court records, he was accused of horrifying actions, including locking his ex-girlfriend in a dog cage, hitting her with a stick, breaking her arm, and even shocking her with an electric wire. The abuse left deep physical and emotional scars.
Initially, these charges were handled at the state level. However, due to the McGirt ruling, which shifted certain cases involving Native American lands to federal jurisdiction, the state charges were dropped. Despite this legal twist, McFadden later pled guilty to the federal maiming charge.
For now, McFadden remains in the custody of U.S. Marshals while awaiting his sentencing. The case has drawn significant attention due to its chilling details and the broader implications of how jurisdictional laws are applied.