In Spartanburg County, South Carolina, an unusual and alarming incident unfolded after two cars collided, leaving one driver injured and authorities investigating the case.
The situation began near Plantation Drive and Gap Creek Road, where a man reported that a red Honda sped past him, crossing over the double yellow divider line. This reckless move led to a crash between the two vehicles.
Things quickly escalated. The man said the driver of the Honda stopped in the middle of the road, got out, and started arguing about the accident. What began as a heated exchange soon turned violent. According to the victim, the Honda’s driver suddenly pushed him and began punching him in the head. Even after the victim fell to the ground, the driver continued to hit him on his head and body.
The tense moment finally eased when a woman who was with the Honda driver intervened, telling him to stop. The pair then got back into the damaged Honda, which had a dented rear passenger bumper, and drove away toward Highway 357.
Luckily, a witness at the scene saw what happened and backed up the victim’s account when speaking to the authorities.
Right now, the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating the incident, trying to piece together what led to this frightening road rage altercation.