A tragic shooting unfolded in Spanaway, leaving a man dead inside a home on the 2300 block of 165th Street East. The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department shared the heartbreaking news on social media around 5:24 p.m., announcing that a male suspect had been taken into custody.
The incident began earlier in the afternoon, at 4:02 p.m., when deputies received a call about a man being shot. Deputy Carly Cappetto, a spokesperson for the department, explained that officers rushed to the scene and tried to save the victim’s life. Sadly, their efforts weren’t enough, and the man was pronounced dead.
Fortunately, no one else in the home was injured. Deputies quickly gathered details about the suspect, who had fled the area. Thanks to a clear description, they located him nearby and arrested him without any trouble. Deputy Cappetto reassured the community, saying there’s no ongoing danger and everyone involved has been accounted for.
At this stage, the reasons behind the shooting remain unclear. Investigators are working to figure out the relationships between those involved and what might have led to this tragic event. When asked about the ages of the suspect and the victim, Cappetto said it’s too early in the investigation to release that information.
Detectives are still piecing together the story, and more details are expected to emerge as the case unfolds. For now, the community remains shaken by this unexpected and devastating loss.