A tragic incident unfolded on Friday in Kenya’s coastal Malindi County, where a small aircraft crash-landed, causing the deaths of three people on the ground.
The crash occurred in Kwachocha, a town along the Malindi-Mombasa highway, when the plane exploded on impact, killing a motorcycle taxi driver. Sub-County Police Commander LuckyJoski Mudavadi confirmed the devastating news.
The other victims, a motorcycle rider and a female passenger, tragically lost their lives when parts of the plane’s wings and tail struck them as the aircraft crashed into a building.
Meanwhile, the pilot and two students on board the plane survived but sustained injuries after they managed to jump out before the plane hit the ground. Thankfully, they are now receiving medical treatment.
The investigation into the cause of the crash is ongoing, with authorities working to piece together the events leading up to the accident.
Residents of Kwachocha, located near Malindi Airport, have been vocal in recent times about the government’s plans to expand the airport—plans that are currently facing legal challenges over land compensation. Local lawmaker Rashid Odhiambo expressed his concern, emphasizing the importance of safety around the airport, not just within its walls.
He urged those managing the airport to ensure that proper safety measures are in place for the surrounding areas as well, reminding everyone that safety should always be a top priority.
This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of air safety, and how crucial it is for all areas around the airport to be protected.