In a heartbreaking incident, a 14-year-old student from Lake Braddock Secondary School was fatally struck by a vehicle in Fairfax County on Wednesday evening.
The tragedy occurred as the young girl attempted to cross Old Keene Mill Road near the intersection with Sydenstricker Road. She was returning to the Pohick Regional Library after visiting a nearby shopping center for a snack.
According to Fairfax County police, she was not within a crosswalk at the time of the accident. The driver involved remained at the scene and is cooperating with authorities.
This incident marks the 20th pedestrian or cyclist fatality in Fairfax County this year, doubling last year’s total. Chris French of Fairfax Families for Safe Streets expressed deep concern, stating, “The numbers are going in the wrong direction.”
He highlighted that pedestrian and bicyclist-involved crashes have steadily increased in the county since 2020. To date, there have been 211 pedestrian-involved crashes resulting in injuries, a slight decrease from last year’s 237 but a significant rise from 134 in 2020.
French emphasized the importance of vigilance, especially during darker hours, noting that a significant percentage of pedestrian-related accidents occur during dusk or nighttime. He urged both drivers and pedestrians to exercise heightened caution during these periods.
In response to the tragedy, Lake Braddock Secondary School has mobilized crisis team members, psychologists, social workers, and counselors to support grieving students. The school community is reeling from the loss, and resources are being provided to assist students during this difficult time.
As the investigation continues, authorities have not yet released the identity of the victim. The Fairfax County Police Department is urging anyone with information about the incident to come forward.
This devastating event underscores the urgent need for enhanced pedestrian safety measures in Fairfax County to prevent further tragedies.