A heartbreaking and shocking crime has rocked Columbia, South Carolina, where two teenage girls, just 15 and 16 years old, have been charged with the brutal murder of a 13-year-old girl named Ka’Niyah Baker. The details of this case are deeply disturbing, as authorities revealed the young girl was bludgeoned, stabbed, and then set on fire in a vacant house.
“This is one of the most brutal and disturbing cases I’ve ever seen,” said Columbia Police Chief William Holbrook during a press conference. “It’s gut-wrenching, and it shocks the conscience.”
Ka’Niyah’s tragic death came to light after firefighters responded to a blaze at an empty home on Cardamon Court in Columbia on Wednesday night. The fire revealed the horrifying truth: her lifeless body was inside. Ka’Niyah had been reported missing just a few days earlier, on January 12, from a location about 20 miles away in Sumter, where she had lived before entering foster care.
Richland County Coroner Naida Rutherford confirmed that Ka’Niyah’s death was no accident. “She was beaten, stabbed, and then burned. This was an intentional act,” she said.
The two girls accused of killing her also have troubled pasts. The 16-year-old suspect was reported missing by her mother on January 12. Police shared that she had a history of behavioral issues, including disorderly conduct and malicious behavior. She had also been on the run after removing an ankle monitor she was required to wear. She had recently dropped out of high school.
The 15-year-old suspect, who lived in the same city, had a similar story. She had also dropped out of school recently and was known to run away frequently.
Tragically, Ka’Niyah, too, had a history of running away. She was described as a girl who had faced many challenges growing up in Sumter and foster care. Her life ended in a way no one should ever experience, with her cause of death being identified as blunt force trauma.
Authorities are still investigating what led to this unthinkable crime. “We’re working hard to uncover the motive,” said Fifth Circuit Solicitor Byron Gipson, promising to seek justice for Ka’Niyah.
The search for Ka’Niyah had already been underway when her body was found. Flyers were sent out on January 16 asking for the public’s help to locate her. At that time, authorities hadn’t confirmed the identity of the body found in the fire. “There was hope that the missing teen might still be alive,” Coroner Rutherford explained. “It wasn’t until later that we confirmed the heartbreaking truth.”
Chief Holbrook emphasized how difficult this case has been for everyone involved. “It’s hard to understand how something so horrific could happen,” he said. “This is a wake-up call. We need to do more to support our young people and address the despair they’re facing.”
The community is now left grieving the loss of Ka’Niyah and grappling with the reality of such a senseless and violent act. Investigators are determined to find answers and bring those responsible to justice.