In a heartbreaking incident in Los Angeles County, a 19-year-old named Miguel Sandoval is facing serious charges for allegedly taking the lives of four people, including two siblings, while they were asleep. The tragic event unfolded in the early hours of November 16 when authorities say Sandoval broke into a home, shot the victims, and then set the house on fire to cover up the crime.
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The victims included Edwin Garcia, 24, Matthew Montebello, 23, Christine Aca-ac, 29, and her brother, Janvi Maquindang, 24. Sadly, Garcia, Aca-ac, and Maquindang were declared dead at the scene. Montebello was rescued from the burning house by first responders who tried to save his life, but he passed away later in the hospital. One more person, a 16-year-old girl, was in the house but thankfully escaped unharmed.
What adds another layer of tragedy to this story is that Sandoval reportedly had a past connection to the family. Montebello’s mother told a local news outlet that Sandoval used to date one of the younger siblings in the home.
Now, Sandoval is facing some of the most severe charges possible: four counts of murder, along with felony charges for breaking into the house and setting it on fire. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in prison without any chance of parole. He’s currently in custody without bail and is set to appear in court for his arraignment in January.
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón expressed sorrow over the incident, describing the killings as a senseless act that claimed the lives of people who were simply resting in the safety of their own beds. “We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss,” he said, highlighting the devastating impact on the family and community.
This shocking event has left many in the neighborhood reeling as they try to process how such a horrific act could happen. It’s a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of justice for those who can no longer speak for themselves.