A heartbreaking and shocking story is unfolding in New Mexico, where a mother, Elizabeth Ortiz-Chavez, is heading to prison for a murder she committed while letting her teenage son take the blame. It all started in March 2022, when 16-year-old Josue Ruiz was shot and killed behind Lindy’s Diner in downtown Albuquerque. Initially, Ortiz-Chavez’s son, Angelo Baldonado, who was also 16 at the time, was charged with the murder and faced trial as an adult.
Here’s how it all began. Ortiz-Chavez had reportedly arranged a confrontation between Ruiz and her son Angelo. The clash took place in an alleyway near Fifth Street and Central Avenue. The backstory was that Ruiz had allegedly hit Angelo’s pregnant sister, who he was dating. Things escalated quickly, and Ortiz-Chavez shot Ruiz during the altercation. Instead of confessing, she allowed Angelo to be charged, believing he would get a lighter sentence since he was a minor.
For a while, Ortiz-Chavez kept the truth to herself. Recorded jail calls between her and Angelo reveal she was considering coming clean, but Angelo urged her not to, saying it was for the good of the family. Prosecutors later accused her of purposely pinning the blame on her son to protect herself.
The case took a dramatic turn a year later in March 2023. Angelo’s brother, Gilbert, unknowingly cracked the case wide open during a Facebook conversation with a woman. Gilbert shared the real story, explaining that Angelo and their mother had gone to confront Ruiz, who tried to pull out a gun but was shot before he could use it. He expressed anger and resentment towards their mother, saying, “I hate her for what she did. My brother deserves to be home with his daughter, but she’s selfish.”
The woman Gilbert confided in took his words seriously and reported the conversation to the police. That’s when investigators arrested Ortiz-Chavez for the murder. Meanwhile, Angelo couldn’t avoid consequences entirely. Since he helped organize and participate in the fight, he was sentenced to four years in prison for assault and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder.
Ortiz-Chavez, now 49, has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and faces up to 18 years in prison. The sentencing will bring some closure to a case that has deeply affected everyone involved, especially Angelo, who will live with the fallout of his mother’s decisions. This tragic story highlights how devastating it can be when family bonds are twisted by selfish choices.