A tragic incident unfolded in Louisiana, where a man has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder after allegedly stabbing several members of his own family.
Police in St. Helena Parish were called to a home on the afternoon of January 9 for what was reported as a domestic disturbance. When officers arrived, they discovered the heartbreaking scene. Rhonda Powell, 40, her 10-year-old son Braylon, and her 1-year-old nephew Hayden were found dead from stab wounds.
Officers quickly arrested 31-year-old Ryant Jones, who is Rhonda’s brother. Hayden, the youngest victim, was Jones’ own son. According to family members, Jones had a history of schizophrenia, and they believe he was having a mental health crisis when the tragedy occurred.
Deondra Robertson-Warner, a cousin of Rhonda Powell, shared more about the situation on a fundraising page. She explained that just a day before the killings, the family had been trying to get Jones the help he needed. They noticed he was becoming aggressive and begged a doctor to give him an injection that had worked in the past. However, the doctor prescribed a pill instead and sent Jones home, despite the family’s concerns. Both Jones’ brother and aunt urged the doctor to have him committed for treatment, but their pleas went unanswered.
Robertson-Warner said Jones had been showing signs of paranoia, believing that others were plotting against him. She shared her frustration, saying the tragedy could have been prevented if the mental health system had acted when the family raised their concerns. “If he had been committed, my family members would still be alive,” she said. “Now my aunt has to bury her child, her grandchild, and her nephew, and it’s all because the system failed him and us.”
Jones is now being held at Livingston Parish Detention Center as the investigation continues. This devastating event has left the community in shock and grieving over the loss of three lives that could have been saved.